Jay Dinsmore Debunks Common Misconceptions in Additive Manufacturing

Part of the reason additive manufacturing (AM) has been able to grow so steadily and become ever stronger since its origins in the 80s is because of the people involved. This is especially the case when it comes to organizations like SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing. A part of the Society Plastics Engineers (SPE), SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing is an interest group that provides a forum for members to present, promote, and educate the wider SPE community (among others) on additive manufacturing and 3D printing. We sat down with their new Chairman, Jay Dinsmore, a true veteran in the industry, to learn more about him and his views as well as the role of SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing and what we can expect from it in the near future. 

3DN: Could you introduce yourself?

My name is Jay Dinsmore. My journey with additive manufacturing and 3D printing spans over 31 years — a path I embarked on before either one of those terms existed. And honestly, my enthusiasm for this field hasn’t dimmed a bit; it’s as strong today as it was on day one.

Jay Dinsmore (left) with Joe Calmese (right) the CEO at ADDMAN (photo credits: ADDMAN)

Currently, I am navigating the waters of transition, as Dinsmore, the company I founded, has been acquired and integrated into ADDMAN. I’ve taken on an executive role where I steer the polymer division, harnessing our synergized skills to provide holistic manufacturing solutions for our customers. I have also been entrusted with a position on the board, contributing to pivotal decisions that shape our trajectory. 

My role extends beyond the executive suite, though. I’m deeply invested in the educational and developmental facets of our industry. There’s a vast ocean of potential here, and I’m committed to charting a course that elevates our collective understanding and application of these technologies. I’m also now serving as Chairman of SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, which is a position that allows me to contribute to shaping the discourse around these transformative processes. It’s not about the title, but the responsibility to steer us towards a more informed future.

3DN: What is the current role of SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing in the wider industry? How do you see it changing?

At SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, a critical priority is to illuminate the benefits and transformative potential of AM within the manufacturing sector. There is a considerable gap in market understanding, compromised by a proliferation of information that often doesn’t mirror the practical realities of the technology. There is a pressing need to construct an informative bridge that connects the dots between conventional manufacturing methods and the innovative world of AM.  

Jay Disnmore along with SPE Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing hopes to help bridge the gap between traditional manufacturing and AM through education

From our seasoned perspective within the industry, our mission extends beyond mere advocacy; it is to cultivate a well-informed community. By dispelling myths and presenting grounded insights, we aim to equip the market with a realistic understanding of 3D printing’s capabilities, tempering expectations with the current technological landscape while also acknowledging its promising future.  

3DN: Building off that, what is the importance of education in AM?

In our community, we’ve got to zero in on sharing what’s real. Forget the fluff; let’s dive into the nitty-gritty with solid case studies that actually show why certain projects hit the mark. It’s all about the nuts and bolts of design for AM and generative design — that’s where the magic happens. 

See, AM machines? They’re impartial. With the right minds behind them and solid designs in front, they can craft the unimaginable. It’s about making the impossible possible, which traditional methods can’t touch. But let’s be clear, AM isn’t about to oust traditional manufacturing overnight. 

The thing is, we’ve been stuck on this sales-first mindset — sell machines, and lots of them. And where does that lead? To unused potential gathering dust. That’s not the way forward. Collectively, we need to ensure that the stories and information we tell are as robust as the technology we’re touting. We’ve got to shift our focus from quarterly sales targets to educating the market on what AM really brings to the table. That understanding will naturally drive demand. 

Education is critical to pushing AM forward rather just focusing on sales

At SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing, we’re on this path, spearheading research and crafting content that really speaks to this mission. I’m picking up the baton from Jason Lopes, the previous chair, championing ACE (Awareness, Content, Events) for all. We’ve made strides, sure, but there’s more road to travel. And this isn’t just SPE talk; it’s the same at ADDMAN, where we’re laser-focused on delivering content that resonates across sectors, be it medical, aerospace, or beyond. 

3DN: Could you give your thoughts on the AM industry as a whole?

The additive manufacturing world? Yeah, it’s hitting some rough patches, but that’s just the setup before the big leap. Look, the way I see it, we’re on the brink of something massive. Think about all the new tech we’re blending in — like AI. It’s like we’ve got all these keys, and we’re just starting to unlock production’s full potential.

And I’m not just talking about growth on paper; I mean real change, the kind that reshapes industries and lives. Take medicine, for example. With additive manufacturing, we’re saving lives in ways we couldn’t imagine before. In defense, we’re upping the game in protecting people. It’s not just hype — the promise is real, and it’s bright.

Sure, it feels like we’re just gearing up, but that’s the exciting part. We’ve got to really get our heads around the practical uses and amp up the learning curve. I might be a tad partial, but the medical field? That’s where the magic’s happening for AM. It’s not just about innovation; it’s personal, life-altering stuff.

Additive manufacturing has huge potential in the healthcare especially

3DN: Any last words for our readers?

In the ’90s, I introduced engineers in LA to a breakthrough called stereolithography at an SPE event, marking my first step into the organization. That moment was a gateway to my journey with SPE. Fast-forward to today, it’s a full-circle moment as I step into the chairman role for SPE Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing and I’m really excited about it.  

Balancing this with my role at ADDMAN is no small feat, but my belief in the power of education within our industry compelled me to embrace this challenge. Passionate about pushing additive manufacturing to new heights, I see this as an opportunity to raise the bar for the entire field. As we advance, we’re not just improving technologies, but elevating the industry as a whole. You can find out more about SPE Additive Manufacturing & 3D printing HERE.

Had you heard about SPE Additive Manufacturing & 3D Printing? What do you think about Jay Dinsmore’s goals as Chairman? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedinFacebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

Madeleine P.:
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