Ceramic Printer Company Beats Kickstarter Goal Within 8 Minutes

An idea for a ceramic printer on Kickstarter has surpassed its goal by over 1000%. The design, the third on Kickstarter by professional team Cerambot, has gained over €174,000 euros, far beyond its original goal of just over €10,000. This represents a massive success for the company and shows people’s financial and social investment  in 3D printing innovation. Cerambot, a China-based company, bases their work on the study of the flow of ceramic moldless direct writing materials and the process of viscous fluid screw valves. 

The Matrix series

This latest project, the Matrix series, is no ordinary collection of printers. The description promises three models within the series, the M500, M600, and M700, each with large printing areas to a maximum of 500x500x700 for the latter. The exclusive extruder is designed to eliminate the concern of air bubbles. It has a chamber which can remove the air trapped in the material tube during the clay loading process. The team has named it the Air Chamber Extruder, or ACE for short. Furthermore, the design is made for stability and the CORE XY design prints a minimum layer thickness of just 0.4mm. The Matrix can be used by many different users, as it supports the most commonly used modeling and slicing software like Cura, Slic3r, PrusaSlicer, Simplify3D and also launched Clayon – Intuitive and Professional Modeling Software for Ceramic 3D Printing software, with Microplus. 

Fundraising on Kickstarter

The use of crowdfunding sites to raise money for projects is not novel. From Kickstarter to GoFundMe to Patreon: the practice of investing small sums of money for long-term creation is very popular online. This is not the first 3D printing project which has been supported on Kickstarter. Previously, a company has created 3D printed bike helmets using funding from the site. Snapmaker earned $1 million dollars in just a few days using the same method. With the rise of consumer interest in 3D printing, we can perhaps expect to see this more and more frequently in years to come; the mutual benefice to the manufacturer and investor makes it a two-sided arrangement.

If you want to read Cerambot’s information on the Kickstarter website, you can find it HERE. You can find a link to the company’s website HERE.



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Claire S.:
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