#TOP5 videos: Penguin rescued by 3D printing and much more!

We found the TOP 5 videos of the week related to 3D printing and collected the additive manufacturing here. You can enjoy even more 3D printing videos on the our Youtube channel, as well as share your videos and comment on the article below or on the 3Dnatives’ Facebook or Twitter account. Hope you’ll enjoy and have a great Sunday!

Top 1: Penguin rescued by 3D printing

Recently a penguin rescued by 3D printing were able to walk again. Lucky is a penguin that lives in Santa Barbará Zoo in California. The little one was born with a foot deformed foot. Thanks to the collaboration of the Rip Media Group they were able to create a new leg to give the little guy the ability to walk without problems. The story of this penguin rescued by 3D printing is one of the many to join the list of animals helped by 3D printing technologies.

Top 2: 3D printed projects of 2018

A lot has happened in the world of 3D printing in 2018. To boil a couple of creative projects down in one video, Adafruit Industry collected some of the more fun and innovative 3D printed projects of 2018. This collection of interesting visuals about its innovative projects of the past year, Adafruit Industries illustrates through this short video all the useful and imaginative objects they have created. The 3D printed projects of 2018 sets the tone for 2019 and we can expect much more to come!

Top 3: Surgical preparation with 3D printing

A lot has happened within the medical sector in relations to additive manufacturing. The University of Buffalo, thanks to a team of engineers, has created complex surgical models for the heart or the brain. This new progress is to help surgeons prepare for a difficult operation. Allowing testing before the doctors have to go into the surgery itself. A lot of progress have been made in the specific field of surgeries over recent years. Both in the preparing work as well as creating implants and support structures.

Top 4: Renishaw using metal 3D printing

Metal 3D printing is widely used in the aerospace industry. Here they allow the creation of more complex and lightweight parts for the machines. Both reducing costs for manufacturers and airlines. One such company using 3D printing is Renishaw as part of the 3D printing boom in aerospace. Renishaw has developed a range of metal machines, and here explains the impact of their technology on the sector.

Top 5: the world’s first 3D printed brake caliper

Several months ago we shared with you the news about the use of additive manufacturing in the last Bugatti brake. A few days ago the company Volkswagen showed that this brake is fully functional. The car can reach up to 150 km / h without any problems from the 3D printed part. One more reason for the automotive sector to start thinking about using additive manufacturing. Learn more about the test in the video below.

Did you like this weeks TOP 5 videos with a penguin rescued by 3D printing and much more? You can see more videos on our Youtube channel or drop a comment below or on our Facebook and Twitter page. And don’t forget to sign up to our free weekly Newsletter to keep updated on all the latest news in the 3D industry coming straight to your inbox!

Michelle J.:
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