Print2Taste Makes It Easier to 3D Print Food

You don’t play with food, or do you? Print2Taste, founded in Freising in 2014, has an answer. With its 3D printers, the company offers users the possibility to playfully design and 3D print food. Easy handling and fast, high-quality results make the mycusini and Procusini printers unique. However, the services don’t end with the machines: Print2Taste offers various refills, e.g. Procusini® 3D Choco or Procusini® 3D Pasta, as well as access to the in-house Procusini®Club, which includes a template library, 3D objects, logos and tips & tricks. For those for whom the refill options are not enough, there are numerous other options: In the Procusini®Club you can find recipe suggestions, but also submit your own ideas. Herb butter, wasabi, fresh goat cheese, spritz cookies and meringue are just a few examples that can be printed with the right consistency and correct printer settings. In addition, the young company offers the opportunity to attend a free online seminar that explains the Procusini 3D printer and how to develop 3D objects. To learn more about the company and food 3D printing, we sat down CEO Gerd Funk, who gave us insights into the world of Print2Taste.

3DN: Could you introduce yourself and your company in more detail?

We are a start-up from Freising in Germany. Our young and interdisciplinary team of ten comes from a variety of backgrounds including the fields of food technology, biology, software development and mechanical engineering. We also have chefs on board. As one of the few “non-food technologists”, I take care of the marketing/sales area. Additionally, Print2Taste was founded in mid-2014 as a spin-off of the Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences.

Gerd Funk (first from right) with his talented team.

The pillars of our business model are multi-layered with hardware-software-food and services. The result is a plug & play solution with which our customers can see results after just a few minutes – without any prior knowledge. This is true for our 3D Choco printer mycusini for hobby bakers as well as our professional line Procusini for hotels, caterers and confectioners. We develop and produce both hardware and food at our Freising site.

3DN: How did your business idea come about?

If you understand how food “ticks,” it makes sense to apply this knowledge to new technologies, such as 3D printing, and see what happens. Ot’s not rocket science either. Even our grandmothers worked in the kitchen with a piping bag to decorate a cake with cream.

3DN: Why did you decide to use food 3D printing? What are the advantages of additive manufacturing here?

The technology of food 3D printing enables the creative and personalized food design starting with batch size 1. Ideal for the wedding cake of a confectioner or the dessert with company logo of a caterer or hotel, e.g. in the context of a corporate event with 150 guests. Of course, the same applies to the mycusini for amateur bakers – here, too, it is, for example, the decoration for a cake.

Print2Taste printers can be used to create delicate edible decorations.

3DN: How do the mycusini and Procusini 3D printers work? What do you have to consider with the materials?

Both models work with so-called 3D Choco Refills. These practical cartridge fillings are inserted into the mycusini or Procusini, briefly preheated, and off you go. We produce the refills ourselves in Freising. In addition, the user can also use their own food with the Procusini. For this purpose, we offer an expert mode with the necessary setting options.

3DN: What was particularly important to you in the making of your products?

For us, the customer and user are always on our mind. Experience shows that only a few have programming knowledge. Everyone else naturally wants to achieve a great result in a simple way. This is where our Plug & Play philosophy comes in. We make the operation child’s play. In addition, the customer receives from us a coordinated overall system, e.g. from mycusini, the mycusini 3D Choco as well as the mycusini Club, our application software. For this complete system we even offer a guarantee of success.

3DN: Any last words for our readers?

Many are probably already experts in 3D printing plastic. However, designing food can also be exciting. Our 3D Choco printer mycusini offers a great way to explore this topic at home in your own kitchen and create great treats. You can find more information about Print2Taste HERE.

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*All image credits: Print2Taste

Madeleine P.:
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