dp polar presents its AMpolar i2 solution for industrial scale production

At Formnext, 3Dnatives saw for the first time in person the AMpolar i2 from German manufacturer, dp polar. This machine seeks to be an additive manufacturing solution for industrial scale production, it employs the manufacturer’s proprietary technology, called High-Speed Rotative AM Process (HSR), which as its name suggests uses a unique, continuously rotating print platform to create multiple parts at a time.

The HSR technology is intriguing, it enables single-pass printing over an extremely large build area of 2 square meter, resulting in a build volume of 700 L. The technology itself is similar to Material Jetting, a technology which enables multi-material and multi-color printing because the printhead holder has many nozzles capable of simultaneously “spraying” various materials.

The dp polar team | Credits: dp polar

In terms of capabilities, the printing process can be resumed after manipulation of the part. For example, it would be possible to be 3D printing a part on the AMpolar i2, stop in the middle of the process, place an electronic component inside and resume 3D printing. The manufacturer calls this Multi-Process Ability. The 3D printer has two different modes of production, the Manufacturing Mode and the Prototyping Mode. In the MM mode, the user will benefit from the platform’s large build volume for series production. On the other hand, in the PM mode, the focus will be to enable high speed rapid prototyping due to shorter cycle-time.

The AMpolar i2 uses High-Speed Rotative AM Process (HSR) to 3D print on a continuously rotating platform | Credits: dp polar

In fact, the AMpolar i2 is equipped with three individual print stations, allowing the production of multi-material parts very quickly. The German company dp polar has partnered with ALTANA AG, a leading specialty chemicals company, to offer tailored materials for its platform. Cubik Ink is their material suite, with each material available in transparent and various colours. The Cubik Ink base materials include the high-performance Cubik Ink Tough materials, as well as the Cubik Ink Flexible materials for soft-touch surfaces or flexible parts.

The AMpolar i2 uses materials developed with the help of ALTANA | Credits: dp polar

Another feature on the AMpolar i2 are the water soluble support materials that allows quick and automatic removal of all support structures. There is no need for additional chemicals or mechanical treatments. The manufacturer ensures that the post-processing steps are reduced by 50%, reducing costs as well as the risk of damaging parts. You can find more information on dp polar’s website HERE.

This is only one of the many 3D printers that caught our attention at Formnext 2019. If you want to see our selection at the show, it’s below!

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Carlota V.:
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