TOP 5 VIDEOS: 3D printed food ingredients, middle ear prosthesis and much more!

We found the TOP 5 VIDEOS of the week about 3D printing and the way additive manufacturing is shaping and changing our society. This week we touch on 3D printed food ingredients, middle ear prosthesis and much more! If you enjoy these, you can view even more 3D printing videos on our Youtube channel.  Hope you’ll enjoy and have a great Sunday!

Top 1: Is 3D technology the future of food?

Upprinting is without doubt a small revolution in the food sector. The start-up offers to reuse food waste and transform it into 3D printing materials to recreate food. A circular economic logic that could have a real impact on the way we consume. In addition, the dishes created have a rather tasty appearance, with complex shapes. Check out the video below:

Top 2: Additive Manufacturing in the Aerospace Industry

 The Protolabs 3D printing service provides us with the latest trends in 3D printing in the aeronautics industry. Laser powder bed fusion technology is increasingly being used: it allows very complex, yet lightweight parts to be created in less time. This is a considerable advantage that has a direct impact on the supply chain because metal additive manufacturing reduces the number of components required to create a part and therefore machining and assembly times. Users then turn to parts with complex geometries and structures with organic shapes:

Top 3: COBOD3D Construction Printer Headed to Saudi-Arabia

The Danish 3D concrete printer manufacturer COBOD, which recently announced the arrival of its machine in Saudi Arabia, organised a press day to present its large format machine, the COBOD3D. It should be able to create any type of building with a maximum width of 12 metres, a length of 27 metres and a height of 9 metres. Visitors were able to see the 3D concrete printer in operation and the results could well shake the construction sector:

Top 4: First 3D Printed Middle Ear Transplant Prosthesis

From middle ear problems caused by congenital birth defects, to infection, trauma or metabolic diseases, hearing loss can have a devastating impact on a person’s quality of life. South African Professor, Mashudu Tshifularo from the University of Pretoria and a team of 3D printing and design specialists, have pioneered the first artificial middle ear transplant prosthesis. Carte Blanche heads into theatre to witness this remarkable medical procedure:

Top 5: What is the future of industrial 3D printing?

Dr. Stephan Beyer, CEO of BigRep and Thomas Fechner, Head of New Business at Bosch Rexroth give us their views on the current state of the 3D printing market and its future. Is it only suitable for rapid prototyping? Is it cost-efficient for companies? How is it related to automation processes? All their answers in the following video:

What do you think of this week’s TOP 5 VIDEOS? Drop a comment below or on our Facebook and Twitter pages! And don’t forget to sign up to our free weekly Newsletter to keep updated on all the latest news in the 3D industry coming straight to your inbox!

Carlota V.:
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