ADDITIV Aerospace will Take Place Tomorrow!

On March 18th at 8AM EDT (1PM CET), ADDITIV Aerospace will open its doors to Aerospace professionals to discuss the applications for additive manufacturing (AM) in the sector. This 100% virtual event will be an ideal opportunity to learn how people in the aerospace industry are already using AM and the impact it has in different fields. Registration is free and already many leading players in both 3D printing and Aerospace have confirmed that they will be present. Beyond the panel discussions and workshops, you will be able to meet with 40 exhibitors who will be present at tables like in a traditional trade show. Let’s take a closer look at the agenda for the day and the topics we will be discussing.

AM technologies have significant advantages over traditional methods when it comes to sectors like aerospace. One of the speakers at ADDITIV Aerospace, Bill Haddad, the Director of Additive Design and Manufacturing at Collins Aerospace and who will be speaking on the panel Certification and Safety in the Aerospace Sector: How is Additive Manufacturing Changing the Norms, notes: Additive manufacturing has the potential to significantly impact so many industries, including aerospace.  Many of the benefits inherent to AM apply to aerospace including lowering component weight, shorter lead times and innovative designs.  By applying this technology to aircraft and subsystems, the aerospace industry will realize substantial improvements in both design and production.  Industry events like ADDITIV Aerospace are important to continue to promote the growth of AM in the aerospace industry and share new ideas and concepts across the value chain.”  ADDITIV Aerospace will allow attendees to dive more into the importance of 3D printing in Aerospace. It will begin at 8AM EDT (1PM CET) on March 18th and will end at 6PM EDT (11AM CET). On the agenda: five panel discussions, 5 networking sessions, and three workshops! 

It is increasingly important to hold events highlighting the intersection of AM and Aerospace. By bringing together both industries, productive conversations on both ends, as AM companies and professionals will be able to engage and see where AM can be of the most use to Aerospace, while Aerospace professionals can see first hand the benefits of AM for the industry. Formlabs, one of the sponsors of the events, is especially passionate about holding events on the role of AM in Aerospace. Katherine Brown, Associate Events Marketing Manager at Formlabs explains: Events like ADDITIV Aerospace keep an open line of communication between 3D printer and materials providers and the engineers, manufacturers and others that use them. We use events like this to have conversations about what we’re excited to introduce, what we are working on, and what our customers would like to see in the future. We have always offered the ability to produce high-performance prototypes and end-use parts, efficiently and for a low-cost. Now, we’ve introduced some specific new products that we know will be particularly meaningful in this industry. Rigid 10K Resin has allowed our users to make stiffer, stronger parts. The Fuse 1 is offering incredible part quality, a simple SLS workflow, and expanding our suite of materials to include nylon-12. We’re looking forward to showcasing our technology at this event and connecting with professionals from around the world.”

Five Panel Discussions to Explore the Different Aspects of AM in Aerospace and Three Workshops

Throughout the day, attendees will be able to attend 45 minute panel discussions with leading professionals working with additive manufacturing in Aerospace. Michael York, the Director of ADDITIV Manufacturing at Eaton Aerospace will be speaking in the panel What are the main challenges of Additive Manufacturing in Aerospace and how are they tackled? He believes that AM will be crucial in the coming years, stating “AM offers the opportunity to revolutionze the industry by enabling speed, cost and performance benefits in AM produced products. ADDITIV Aerospace is a great forum to bring the experts together across the industry to share their successes and challenges.” There will be other discussions covering a wider range of topics, including How is Additive Manufacturing transforming commercial aircraft design and production? How is the Aerospace industry pushing for further material development? And last but not least, What Part does Additive Manufacturing have to play in space exploration?

There will be incredible speakers from various fields in Aerospace including the two speakers mentioned above, such as:

  • Dr Advenit Makaya, an Advanced Manufacturing Engineer at the European Space Agency
  • Raphael Salapete, Additive Manufacturing R&D Project Leader at ArianeGroupe
  • An Duong, Manufacturing Engineering Manager: Global Test at Rolls Royce
  • Cole Nielsen, Founder and CTO at Orbital Composites
  • Paul Gradl, Senior Propulsion Engineer at NASA
  • Elena López, Head of Division: Additive Manufacturing at Fraunhofer IWS

They will be able to share their experiences and the challenges they face in adopting additive manufacturing in their daily lives. The panel discussions are open to all thank to our dedicated platform, you will be able to ask all your questions directly to the experts. You can find the whole program on the website. There will also be three 15-minute workshops in the middle of the day. Here, participants will be able to hear from leading AM companies including Materialise and Intamsys, as they show how to use their products for applications in Aerospace. You will be able to watch live demonstrations, furthering your knowledge on specific topics while being able to ask all your questions live. We look forward to welcoming you to this event along with our partners AIAA, Women in 3D Printing and the National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR)!

Register today before the event next week HERE. What do you think about the role of 3D printing technologies in Aerospace? Let us know in a comment below or on our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages! Sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox!

Madeleine P.:
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