Top 5 Videos: The 3D-Printed Bionics of the Future

It’s Sunday again and you all know what time it is! It’s time for our selection of Top 5 video right from the exciting world of 3D printing! We start off this week’s selection with an exciting TED talk by Peruvian engineer Enzo Romero, who developed a new model for designing affordable 3D-printed bionic prostheses. Next off, you’ll be introduced to Greentown Labs, the largest climate tech incubator in North America that relies on Markforged 3D printers. Then, you’ll find out more about CIM UPC’s new Direct Ink Writing (DIW) 3D Printer, the PowerDIW. After that, you’ll learn more about the iTero’s solutions for the dental sector. Last but not least, you’ll see another exciting video on a fully functional bionic Hand developed by Psyonic. We hope you’ll enjoy this week’s selection and wish you an amazing Sunday!
Top 1: 3D-Printed Bionics of the Future
In this very interesting TED talk, Peruvian engineer Enzo Romero introduces a new model for designing affordable 3D-printed bionic prostheses from recycled plastic. The bionic innovator, who was born without a right hand, talks about new ways of using additive manufacturing to develop prostheses that everyone can afford and also shares his personal story and what led him to develop and create these groundbreaking new devices.
Top 2: Greentown Labs and Markforged
Greentown Labs, located in Somerville, MA, is the largest climate tech incubator in North America. The community of innovators puts its focus on working towards changing the way the world powers itself. Greentown labs already managed to incubate more than 450 current and startup alums on their quest to create more environmentally friendly and sustainable technology for the world. To fulfill its goal, Greentown Labs relies on Markforged 3D printers, which allow it to create lightweight, high-strength parts reinforced with composites like Continuous Carbon Fiber.
Top 3: Direct Ink Writing 3D Printer
CIM UPC is a leading technological center located in Barcelona focused on Additive Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Recently, it unveiled its new Direct Ink Writing (DIW) 3D Printer, the PowerDIW. The new device features two DIW printheads with a genuine lifting mechanism. As already mentioned, the machine uses innovative DIW technology, which is commonly used for manufacturing ceramic or metal green parts or any bioprintable material.
Top 4: Chairside Dental 3D Printing
3D printing and scanning have proved to be of great use in the dental sector. In the past few years, many promising new devices and software have been created. One of them is the iTero™ scanner and exocad™ software. In this next video, Doctor Andrew Reingold from New York City demonstrates how intuitive the chairside digital workflow for a 3D printed bite splint can be by using those innovative technologies.
Top 5: A Bionic Hand Developed by PSYONIC
Because it is such an interesting and exciting subject, our last video is another one about how 3D printing is used for the development of bionic hand prosthetics. The 3D printed Ability Hand, which was created by Psyonic, is an amazing artificial limb that has the ability to function almost like a normal hand. Aadeel Akhtar, CEO, and Founder of Psyonic, explains how the Ability Hand was made and how it functions.
What do you think of this weeks selection of top 5 videos? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.