
TOP 5 videos of the week: 3D printing in medical advances and more

Published on August 5, 2018 by Michelle J.
Top 5 Videos

We found the TOP 5 videos of the week related to 3D printing and additive manufacturing here. Share your videos and comment on the article below or on the 3Dnatives’ Facebook or Twitter account. Hope you’ll enjoy and have a great Sunday!

Top 1: The Fourth Industrial Revolution: 3D printing in medical advances

We have come closer to the next Industrial Revolution than ever. With the general lines blurring between the physical and cyber world we are stepping into a new part of it. One place is in the medical advances of treatment and 3D printing in medical advances are helping us greatly in this aspect.

Top 2: 3D printed gun creator

CNN’s Senior Tech Correspondent Laurie Segall interviewed Cody Wilson, the creator behind the much debated online publication of blueprints for 3D printed guns. Check out the talk here and what he had to say to the various debate points coming up in the debates.

Top 3: Underwater organisms

What is the easiest way to pick up and sample soft-bodied sea creatures? Well it seems like 3D-printed soft robots is the answer. Check out this showcasing of an interdisciplinary team of marine biologists, engineers, and roboticists created their custom-made soft grippers, to safely sample various delicate sea life.

Top 4: Martian Base

Wanna live on Mars? We are getting closer, now Mars pioneers could use 3D printing to create a sustainable human colony on the Red Planet. A team of scientists is developing a plan to use 3D technology to build houses and food directly on the Martian surface. This would make it possible for people leaving the comfort of Earth for the Red Planet instead. Check out the project!

Top 5: 3D printing pen

Let’s end this week with some cool 3D printing pen art and ideas. Check out this video of what the 3D printing pen can be used for and explore your own creativity this weekend with various cool shapes and figures.

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