
TOP 5 videos of the week: the world’s fastest cycle and much more!

Published on September 16, 2018 by Michelle J.
World's fastest velocipede

We found the TOP 5 videos of the week related to 3D printing and collected the additive manufacturing here. Share your videos and comment on the article below or on the 3Dnatives’ Facebook or Twitter account. Hope you’ll enjoy and have a great Sunday!

Top 1: World’s fastest velocipede

Students from the University of Liverpool has used additive manufacturing to help build their hand cycle design. The cycle was created in an attempt to break the land speed record at the Battle Mountain in Nevada, USA, to make it the world’s fastest velocipede. Check out how they got to this possibly world’s fastest cycle!

Top 2: Do you need 3D printing?

One question that could come up in various situations is whether or not there is a need for 3D printing across various industries. Check out how Wm. Walker co. tested out a 3D printer for his workshop and the results on how useful it actually was for him.

 Top 3: Preserving the Past

3D printing and additive manufacturing, is one of the technologies most discussed and used today, with constantly being applied in new manners throughout industries. And the potential of the technology has also reached out to restoration on multiple occasions. One such area is in the process of creating 3D objects like artefacts to preserve the past.

Top 4: Precious metal 3D printing

The International Jewellery London 2018 recently happened in the UK. One company in the jewellery industry using 3D printing is Cooksongold. Check out the Interview with David Fletcher talking about how they at Cooksongold use their precious metal 3D printing technology when developing their products and more.

Top 5: World Maker Faire New York 2018

The World Maker Faire New York 2018 is coming up next weekend! Are you going or just interested in knowing more? Check out this video by the youtube channel 3D Printing Nerd that is going next for the Maker faire the 22nd and 23rd. We also previously covered a list of the Biggest Maker faires in the US. So check it out and if you have the chance stop by to see some amazing things in a nice environment.

Did you like this weeks TOP 5 videos of cycles possible becoming the world’s fastest and much more? Drop a comment below or on our Facebook and Twitter page. And don’t forget to sign up to our free weekly Newsletter to keep updated on all the latest news in the 3D industry coming straight to your inbox!

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