
Top 5 Videos: How is 3D Printing Done in Space?

Published on October 6, 2024 by Julia S.
3D printing space

For this week’s installment of Top 5, we’re including our #3DInterview with Ahmed Mahil, CEO and Global President of the 3D printing company Luyten. He dives into how 3D printing is done in space, the origins of his company’s name, and where he sees the future of 3DCP in extraterrestrial territory. Then, take a look at Spectra Group, which produces 3D printed parts for its tactical and strategic communications devices. Next, watch a 3D printed model aircraft take flight and see how 3D printed train terrain is made. Lastly, tune into a tutorial on achieving high performance while 3D printing. Enjoy the learning!

Top 1: Luyten Talks the Importance of Concrete 3D Printing on Earth and in Space

3D concrete printing (3DCP) has been used extensively for construction…on Earth. However, 3DCP company Luyten is breaking boundaries by 3D printing in space. Watch our exclusive interview with Luyten’s CEO and Global President Ahmed Mahil to get a glimpse into the physics involved and more.

Top 2: 3D Printing Parts for Defense Communications

This video from Stratasys dives into how Spectra Group, a global provider of tactical and strategic communications, is 3D printing parts on demand. Using the Stratasys Origin One, the team prints parts that look good, are durable, withstand extreme temperatures, and perform well. See their prints in action in the video below.

Top 3: See a 3D Printed Model Aircraft in Action!

The Mach Initiative is a non-profit organization that aims to break the Guinness World Record for the fastest sub-25kg jet-powered model aircraft, currently standing at 465 mph or Mach 0.62. In this video, watch their 3D printed Kingfisher prototype take flight! Their model will help them detect elements of the aircraft’s construction to revise.

Top 4: 3D Printing Train Terrain

If you’re a model train enthusiast, you may want to consider 3D printing your train tracks and terrain. 3D printing your parts is an innovative alternative to working with wood or foam. Check out this video to see how Steve of Steve’s Trains builds his layout. It may inspire your own!

Top 5: Achieving High-Performance Parts with Apps

This tutorial will walk you through achieving the highest performance for any part with the Topology Optimization Post-Process and Simulation-Driven Design apps. The video demonstrates how using these apps enhances performance by looking at a real-world case study from the GrabCAD Challenge for an aeronautical part.

What do you think of the possibility of 3D printing in space? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

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