The Most Impressive 3D Printers at Formnext 2023

Formnext 2023 is nearly over. One of the biggest additive manufacturing events of the year will be coming to a close at the end of tomorrow and this year has been packed with great talks, innovations and more. But what about if you were not able to attend? Don’t worry, 3Dnatives has you covered. Over the course of the week we have been coming to you live with news direct from the show including in this latest video. We went around the halls of the event to show you what we found to be five of the most impressive 3D printers there.
We started off at German company Micro Factory 3D Solutions. At this first Formnext visit for them, they were showing their Micro Factory 3D printer, an exceptional MSLA solution with a very intriguing feature. It is fully automated and capable of printing, washing and curing all in the same machine. Perfect for scaling up production with applications like industry or dentistry. Next, we saw one of the biggest 3D printers at the show, the MaxiPrinter from Constructions-3D. This spider-like solution is designed, as you may have guessed, specifically for the construction sector and has an exceptional build space thanks to the long robotic arm. It can also transport itself thanks to the tracks on the bottom of the machine.
Moving on, we then put a highlight on one of the smaller machines at the event, a solution from UpNano that truly allowed for the tiniest (or even sub-microscopic!) parts. Next up was a binder jetting solution from CONCR3DE which is helping put the focus back on sustainability as it can use biomaterials including recycled sawdust. Last but not least, we checked in with VLM Solutions where they showed us their Industry 4.0 cells that include WAAM 3D printing but also CNC machining and more for a truly all-in-one industrial machine. Check out the video above to learn more about the most exciting machines that we saw!
Which impressive 3D printer was your favorite at Formnext 2023? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.
Stratasys’s new F3300 is not in your most impressive 3D printers at Formnext 2023? The F900 from Stratasys is considered the best material extrusion printer on the market. Compared to the F900, the F3300 is up to 2X faster, 25% more accurate, up to 45% lower cost per part, and up to 50% more reliable. The F3300 is a step change for material extrusion while other manufacturers continue to release slightly modified versions of their material extrusion printers.
It is true that the F3300 was very impressive though we had limited space so we couldn’t mention everything we wanted. However, mild spoiler, we will be mentioning it in our recap of the event in an article early next week. So be sure to keep an eye out for that!