
Karsten Heuser on Opportunities in the Automotive Industry and the ICM Summit 2022

Published on March 18, 2022 by Madeleine P.

Additive manufacturing has already proven more than once how important it is for a trend-setting future. In various fields, 3D printing is finding favor and is encountering an ever-growing field of applications. This is also particularly true of the use of additive manufacturing for the future of automotive manufacturing. Innovative, digital and green are the buzzwords for which the technology stands in combination with outstanding business models. The possibilities and benefits seem almost limitless, but to better understand them, we met with Karsten Heuse, Vice President Additive Manufacturing at Siemens, for an interview. He will be a speaker at this year’s Innovative Car Manufacturing (ICM) Summit in Munich. Here, it’s all about cutting-edge technologies: from 3D printing to automation and robotics to IoT and artificial intelligence. What challenges will the automotive industry soon have to face and what solutions can additive manufacturing in particular provide?

3DN: Can you introduce yourself and your connection to AM?

Karsten Heuser, VP Additive Manufacturing at Siemens (photo credits: Karsten Heuser)

I have been with Siemens for over 20 years in various management positions though always focusing on scaling start-up businesses within a huge enterprise. I first became involved in Additive Manufacturing in 2012 when I was responsible for PLM & Innovation Excellence in a huge cost out program at Siemens Energy. Now for more than 5 years, I have been responsible for leading the Additive Manufacturing activities at Siemens Digital Industries as well as managing the Company Core Technology Additive Manufacturing and Materials. In addition, I am passionate about shaping the AM community as a member of VDMA AG Additive Manufacturing Advisory Board as well as a member of Formnext Advisory Board. I have a background in solid state physics as well as a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Management. Our mission is to empower the eco-system to create, make and use additive applications at scale.

3DN: What specific input will you be offering to the ICM Summit with your knowledgeHow do you see the future of car manufacturing in regards to additive manufacturing?

I will present examples of major application fields harvesting value add by the use of industrial 3D printing. Furthermore, I will share approaches on how to scale Additive Manufacturing through eco-system alliances along the value chain including automation of the IT and OT as well as developing a digital factory toolbox. During the conference, I will be sharing our own experiences with using additive manufacturing as a huge enterprise in different areas like Mobility, industrial production or healthcare. Over 230 industrial 3D-printers in almost 50 locations are currently used within the broader Siemens brand eco-system to reduce costs and greenhouse gases and improve lead time, time to market as well as performance.

3DN: How do you see the future of car manufacturing in regards to additive manufacturing?

Additive Manufacturing will probably become a normal, mainstream production technology for the car manufacturing industry with performance improved components with better flow, lower carbon footprint or less weight. Moreover, Additive Manufacturing plays a crucial role for spare parts on demand as well as a lever for higher productivity by manufacturing aids. The classical car production industry needs to get prepared today to adopt and learn these new capabilities and educate the workforce to fully leverage the power of AM for their future.

3DN: Why do you think it is beneficial to attend the ICM Summit 2022?

It’s about exchanging, sharing learnings and getting connected in order to accelerate the additive manufacturing transformation process. Why not leverage the knowledge of others in open innovation eco-systems? Therefore, you need to engage and exchange between the different disciplines in car manufacturing and here the ICM Summit offers this kind of exchange.

ICM provides an opportunity to network with other people in the industry (photo credits: ICM)

3DN: Any last words for our readers?

Better start your journey today in additive manufacturing instead of being too late. AM is industry 4.0, ready to be scaled now. Do not reinvent the wheel and build on the knowledge of others. More information about the summit can be found HERE.

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