Infographic: 3D Printing in Fashion

3D printing is a tool that is gaining great popularity among the most recognized designers in the fashion world. For example, we can point notably towards the jewelry sector where, according to a report by SmarTech Analysis, the 3D printing market in jewelry is expected to reach a value of $989 million by 2031. But jewelry is not the only vertical that is benefiting from additive manufacturing. The world of fashion is so broad that it is of course possible to find the use of the different 3D technologies in other areas, including the creation of clothing, accessories (bags, glasses, watches, etc.) or footwear, especially in sports.
Indeed, the reason why 3D technologies are experiencing such significant growth is because of some of their most outstanding features and benefits. In terms of fashion, it has a number of different applications, such as being used as a tool that artists use, among other things, to create prototypes of their designs that can potentially form part of their collections. In addition, it is part of a more sustainable production system than other methods used in the textile field, with the added bonus that models can be manufactured on demand and locally. This translates into a significant reduction in terms of costs, time and resources used. In this detailed infographic, we took a closer look at the use of 3D printing in fashion in order to discover this rapidly expanding sector and all the possibilities offered by additive manufacturing in the industry.
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*All Photo and Infographic Credits: 3Dnatives