Ford Makes 3D Files Available to Customize Your Maverick

At the beginning of the year, the car manufacturer Ford introduced its brand new pickup truck, the Maverick, a hybrid vehicle that aims to be both accessible and practical. It performance has already gained it fans among many drivers, but what interests us is in particular is what can be found inside. Indeed, Ford has made the 3D files of the mounting points of its FITS system (Ford Integrated Tether System) available online. This means that anyone can 3D print these parts to attach a series of accessories to the center console or under the seats.
The FITS system in the new Ford Maverick is a series of spaces – in this case, T-shaped slots – into which accessories such as a cup holder, a pocket, etc. can be inserted. Each van has eight slots, one in the back of the center console and seven in the storage bins under the seats. For example, it can split a bin in two with a 3D printed wall that fits into the slot provided. This allows each driver to customize his or her storage system and tailor the car to his or her needs.

Photo Credits: Ford
This is obviously not the first time that a car manufacturer has used 3D technologies to offer customization options for its vehicle, but it is rare to see them make 3D files available to everyone. Ford has opted for open-source technology for the files for the Maverick, targeting a young, DIY audience. Two CAD models are available for download: one for the center console and the other for the storage space under the seats. You will be able to 3D print your cup holder and adapt it to your thermos or water bottle. Good news for Ford Maverick owners who now have access to the exact specifications of the FITS system!
And if you don’t have a 3D printer at home, there are many cheap options available for sale on sites like Amazon. Buy one and then get your Switch stand, your tissue box storage or even a space for the dog bowl thanks to your new all 3D printing capabilities. You can download the 3D files from the Ford website HERE.

Photo Credits: Ford
What do you think of FITS system for the Ford Maverick? Let us know in a comment below or on our Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter pages! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.
I think Ford if finding it’s way in the new world of EV/Connected/Social manufacturing and is probably the only legacy auto manufacturer prepared for the next decade. Here’s hoping they continue on this path, I might be convinced to get back to Ford vehicles. My last Ford product was my ’86 Escort GT.