
Addit3D is a 3 day professional 3D printing fair at the Bilbao Exhibition Centre in Spain, which prides itself on being the only fully professional 3D printing event in the world.
ADDIT3D targets companies that:
- Want to learn about additive manufacturing and get to know firsthand the potential offered.
- Are incorporating additive manufacturing into their manufacturing processes and wish to have contact with suppliers and direct knowledge of the latest advances.
- Are looking for individual solutions tailored to their production requirements.
The event will feature additive talks, with the main topics soon to be released (at the time of writing). There will also be innovation workshops for commercial and technical presentations for customised solutions to manufacturing needs.
The list of currently registered exhibitors is extensive and includes many Spanish and international firms. To give a taste of the range of companies, the top 3 alphabetically are
- ABB ASEA BROWN BOVERI, Swedish-Swiss multinational corporation headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland, which works in electrification and automation
- ABB RING MOTORS, a Spanish industrial equipment supplier
- ABC DENTAL CB, a Spanish dental laboratory
The event offers free registration for professionals until May 10th; a 15€ fee applies from then on. The event is suitable only for professionals in the sector.