
Dyndrite Unveils its Next-Gen AM Software at RAPID + TCT

Published on June 27, 2024 by Madeleine P.

One of the clear themes we have seen throughout RAPID + TCT is the importance of the entire additive manufacturing value chain. Software especially has been in the highlight as one of the keys to truly moving the 3D printing sector forward. And out of the exhibitors showing their own solutions, Dyndrite, which has had a rocket-like ascent in the field since founding five years ago, especially stood out.

The 3Dnatives team had an in-depth conversation with Dennis Barnum from Dyndrite at RAPID + TCT 2024. In the conversation, we had the opportunity to learn more about the company’s innovative approach to accelerating AM workflows and optimizing production processes. Barnum also covered other important aspects such as  the transformative power of their software solutions while also envisioning the future of the AM industry. Watch the video below to get the full interview and see how next-gen software is playing a critical role not just in RAPID + TCT put in the larger American additive manufacturing industry.

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