TOP 10 Back to school 3D printable files
As the summer comes to a close, there is one thing that is on everyone’s mind and that is back to school! While school shopping can sometimes be a headache, what better excuse do you need to light up your printer and 3D print some back to school gear? So, without further ado, we present you with a selection of 10 printable 3D objects from Cults to help make back to school more customizable and fun!
10. The portable pencil pot
This creation combines both a pencil holder with a case! Its light design makes it a perfect addition to your desk or even to your locker and its bright color will add even more brightness to the back to school season!
9. The set square, ruler and protractor
This ruler will make anyone a math guru! This classic back to school item is the perfect thing to print to kick off you or your kid’s school year! While your 3D printer may print in color, it will probably still remain the most talked about item in show and tell! Plus, who wouldn’t want a 3D printed ruler?
8. Pen mark holder
This creation by Spanish artist Sonia Verdu is a 4-in-1! You can use it as a classic ruler, a bookmark, a pencil holder as well as a template to make perfect circles. In short, this is an indispensable tool for those who crave a perfect circle in math!
7. Bag carrier
To start the school year off right, what better way than to buy a brand new backpack? It is obviously very practical, meets the criteria of current trends, but most importantly, it is immaculate! This 3D printable bag holder is the perfect solution for keeping your backpack in pristine shape this school year by attaching this little device to your desk or closet!
6. Adhesive tape reel
We have all been through the processes of locating a piece of tape on the role or have completely destroyed it amidst our frustration of not being able to find said tape starting point. To help bring this annoyance to an end, we present you with this 3D wireframe file! Say goodbye to the days of losing the tape’s starting point as you will now have a place to hold it and, in addition, it has an area for you to keep paperclips! What more could you want?
5. An artistic pen holder
Loubie aka Louise Driggers, well-known and respected in 3D printing, offers a magnificent pen holder in the form of a witch. Once arranged on this creation, your pen will be the focus of attention. This creation is particularly impressive since it is printed all at once and without any printing supports.
4. A cactus-shaped reminder
This small, 3D printed cactus will never allow you to forget something again during this busy period of back to school. Note what to do or hold onto a piece of paper and then plant it in the cactus. In addition to being practical, it is a decorative object that will have the best effect on your desk for all eyes to see it!
3. The globe
Who says you can’t hold the world in your hand? This globe that is printable in color and will allow your child to be among the best in his class in geography. Sitting proudly on his desk, it’s a great way to escape a bit while he brushes up on his math.
2. The pen stand
Just like you can be tired from your back to school schedule, so can your pens! To give them a break too, we present you with this 3D printed pillow, that will give your pen a nice rest in between uses.
1. The dictator to motivate himself
Kim Jong-un has sadly been making the headlines in recent months, which has helped remind us of just how uncertain he can be. But, by 3D printing a pencil holder version of him, it may have a nice effect on your colleagues as they smile at your new desk decoration while it simultaneously motivating you to work more.
What back-to-school model do you prefer? Let us know in a comment below or on our Facebook and Twitter page! Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter, with all the latest news in 3D printing delivered straight to your inbox!