
AM Service Providers in the Spotlight at RAPID + TCT 2025

Published on February 3, 2025 by Madeleine P.

What do you do if you want to enter into additive manufacturing without prior experience or an industrial 3D printer? Or experiment to see if 3D printing is the best fit for an application? Why, you go to an AM service bureau, of course.

Additive manufacturing service bureaus, also known as service providers, are a cornerstone of the industry, present since its very beginnings. At these locations, users can order parts to be 3D printed to their exact specifications, including material, design optimizations, post-processing and more. They play a critical role, especially in helping people in different sectors adopt additive manufacturing and understand what it can do.

And this year, for the very first time, there will be an AM Service Provider Pavilion at RAPID + TCT. A decision that reflects not just the efforts of RAPID + TCT to always be more than a trade show, but also the critical role of service providers within the AM ecosystem. We spoke with two exhibitors in the space, Addireen and the University of Waterloo, to learn why additive manufacturing service providers are so important and more about their presence at RAPID + TCT this year.

Why Are 3D Printing Service Providers Important?

Let’s start by introducing what exactly an AM service provider is. These come in many different types, but all center around producing parts for users. At RAPID + TCT 2025, the exhibitors in the AM Service Provider Pavilion employ a wide range of technologies and materials, everything from high-performance polymers and composites to metal.  This diversity can be seen through the University of Waterloo and Addireen.

AM Service providers

The MSAM Lab at RAPID + TCT 2024 (photo credits: University of Waterloo)

The Multi-Scale Additive Manufacturing (MSAM) Lab is part of the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Waterloo. It includes over 50 university researchers conducting research on various AM technologies, with a primary focus on metal additive manufacturing. You can find them in booth #3905.

Farzard Liravi, from the MSAM Lab, explained the importance of its presence at RAPID + TCT 2025, noting, “While we may differ from other exhibitors at the AM Service Provider Pavilion this year, in that we are a not-for-profit university lab, with R&D being our primary focus, we still play a key role in enhancing the industrial adoption of AM. Our facility is the largest university-based AM center in Canada, featuring over 25 AM machines, along with comprehensive characterization and post-processing tools. This allows us to position ourselves as a valuable R&D service provider to industry, particularly through de-risking research projects that address real-world challenges, while training the highly skilled workforce of tomorrow. Additionally, we run programs supported by government funding agencies that provide end-to-end AM services to SMEs with a special focus on those in rural and underserved areas.”

This shows not just how AM service providers play a role in everything from companies to government programs but also highlights one of the reasons why it is so important to have AM service providers at major 3D printing events. They are a key part of the additive manufacturing ecosystem

This sentiment was echoed by Livari when discussing the MSAM Lab’s presence at RAPID + TCT 2025. He commented, “AM service providers play a critical role in the current AM supply chain. These providers have the know-how to transform ideas into finished AM products, managing everything from design and process development to post-processing. This enables companies new to the AM space to explore the benefits of AM technologies without the significant investment in purchasing and operating their own machines. It allows them to test the waters and see if AM aligns with their needs and business case before committing to expansion or scale-up.”

Addireen is known for its green-laser powder bed fusion technology and is now also expanding into 3D printing services in-house (photo credits: Addireen)

Meanwhile, Addireen also breaks out of the mold of a ‘traditional’ 3D printing service bureau. The Chinese firm is known for its LPBF 3D printers, including those using green lasers for superior copper 3D printing. In 2025, Addireen has signaled its intention to move into the AM service provider space by developing its own in-house service capability. It is in that context that the company will be present as one of the exhibitors in the AM Service Provider Pavilion at booth 3601.

Yujing Xu, the Overseas Sales Director at Addireen, explains the breadth of services offered by 3D printing services, stating, 3D printing services can be as straightforward as receiving a job and simply printing it. The primary value derived from such service centers lies in reducing material costs and enhancing productivity. However, there are also service centers that go beyond basic printing. They offer design support, target specific markets, and invest in advanced post-processing capabilities to provide comprehensive, end-to-end solutions.”

Whatever the needs of a user, there will be an AM service provider that is able to meet them. But that does not mean that they are widely understood, especially by those working in sectors other than 3D printing. Take for example verticals like aerospace or automotive, where service providers often provide a critical link between interest in 3D printing and adoption.

Growing the Presence of Service Bureaus

Although it is undeniable that AM service providers have a clear function, there are still a number of misconceptions present regarding how they work. This is another way in which the AM service provider pavilion will bring value to attendees of RAPID + TCT 2025. By allowing them to meet with these companies firsthand and understand their true capabilities.

Livari from the University of Waterloo further explains, “The most common misconception about AM service providers likely mirrors the general misunderstanding of AM technology itself – that you simply press a button and get a final product, often viewed only as useful for prototyping. Newcomers to the field probably overlook the comprehensive, end-to-end services most of these providers offer, including design for AM, material handling, and post-processing. They also tend to ignore the high cost of operating machines, the specific environmental conditions required, and the specialized knowledge needed to run AM systems.”

AM Service providers

Attendees at RAPID + TCT 2025 will be able to meet AM service providers directly at the pavilion (photo credits: University of Waterloo)

A point on which Addireen agrees. In fact, one of the major drivers for the company to develop its own in-house 3D printing service capabilities was to bridge the gap between end users and AM service providers. Especially when it comes to rapid iterations of parts or reducing part failure, the latter of which is crucially important when it comes to speeding up 3D print adoption across many sectors.

The AM Service Provider Pavilion at RAPID + TCT 2025

In any case, both Addireen and the MSAM Lab agree, it is a huge benefit to be able to exhibit as AM service providers at RAPID + TCT 2025. It also benefits event attendees as they can explore the Pavilion to get insights directly from those working as AM service providers.

Livari agrees, “In addition to the obvious benefit of having all these service providers in one location for those exploring such services, I believe this pavilion also helps highlight the crucial role they play in the additive manufacturing supply chain. Our students and researchers have benefitted tremendously from being at RAPID + TCT’s networking events, understanding where the market sector is and where the R&D gaps are, job connections and overall excitement of being part of an AM community.”

Addireen adds, “RAPID + TCT is one of the premier events in the additive manufacturing industry, serving as a central hub where industry leaders, innovators, and suppliers come together to showcase the latest technological advancements. The presence of a dedicated 3D printing pavilion is particularly crucial for networking, learning, and experiencing firsthand the cutting-edge developments in this rapidly evolving field. RAPID + TCT is an excellent platform to demonstrate how our technology can address challenges in industries requiring higher precision, quality, and efficiency.”

3D printing service bureaus allow users to create parts to their requirements without investing heavily in 3D printing hardware (photo credits: Addireen)

 Be sure to register for RAPID + TCT HERE. By using the “3DNATIVES” promo code, you will get a free Expo Pass to the event (or 20% off a full conference pass) plus you will automatically be entered into an exclusive giveaway for a RAPID + TCT VIP Pass. This includes a complimentary full conference pass, three-night hotel stay and access to the VIP lounge.

What are you looking forward to the most at the AM Service Provider Pavilion at RAPID + TCT 2025? Let us know in a comment below or on our LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter pages! If you are looking for more 3D printing in aerospace & defense content, check out our dedicated page HERE. Don’t forget to sign up for our free weekly Newsletter here, the latest 3D printing news straight to your inbox! You can also find all our videos on our YouTube channel.

*Cover Photo Credits: SME

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