
TOP 10 Best 3D Printing YouTube Channels / YouTubers (2018 Update)

Published on January 4, 2018 by Jamie D.
3D printing youtube

The 3D printing Youtube scene is healthy and growing. Some excellent content is being made by makers, start-ups, and YouTubers. This community helps inform people, as well as showing off the amazing things they have created via 3D printing through Fused Deposition Modeling and other technologies. We’ve gone through pages of searches, narrowing down our favourite YouTube channels, to make this list of our favourites. These include categories for makers, 3D printing businesses, and informative channels, for whichever you are interested in.



His insane 3D-printed flamethrower was posted in our Top 5 videos of the week on Sunday, so we had to include RCLifeOn in our list of best YouTubers. The channel showcases high-quality, well-edited content around creating and testing new 3D-printed items, like the fishing rod shown below. This is a great example of how 3D-printing can be applied to so many different areas, such as RC planes and cars, t-shirts, and many more.

Ivan Miranda

Ivan Miranda’s channel mixes “how to make” guides such as this rotary stamp below, with informative, high-quality content. These helpful tips and tricks videos help educate viewers, such as in his “how to troubleshoot a printer” video. This channel really takes DIY to the next level, too. Ivan has showcased a 3D printed violin, and tested the sound quality on video!

Josef Prusa

Josef Prusa presents a very informative tips and tricks-based channel, helping viewers make the most from their 3D-printers. Recently however, the channel has changed to showcase the new Prusa 3D printer and materials. The content is in-depth, detailed, and will help anybody learn more about 3D printing.

Maker’s Muse

Maker’s Muse is a popular channel (185K+ subscribers) that covers multiple areas within 3D printing. These videos range from rating videos, to “how to” videos such as to save resin, in addition to general news updates in all things 3D-printing. For anyone wanting to learn about more of the printers available (several reviews on the channel), to just wanting some 3D printing-related entertainment, this is a great place for it.

Make Anything

This channel contains some of the most detailed guides to create 3D models such as a chess set or a fossil, that we’ve ever seen. These very impressive videos are well-made, super interesting (the VR used to create the mammoth fossil below was amazing), and generally well worth watching!

Thomas Sandladerer

Containing a huge variety of 3D-printing content, Thomas Sandladerer’s channel is a very interesting channel for everything related to the subject. These range from hairy lions, to how not to ruin your filament, and many other interesting videos. He even, after reaching 100,000 subscribers, 3D-printed himself his own YouTube play button before the real one arrived!

3D Printing Nerd

An aptly named channel, 3D Printing Nerd makes a huge amount of content, often several videos in a single week on the subject. These videos range from Q and A’s, to niche builds like the Rick and Morty portal gun below, to comparisons of different printers. As big Rick and Morty fans, we thoroughly enjoyed the research on this channel.

Information channels:

TED Talks

TED Talks are well-known as very informative in many areas. There are also a number of talks on 3D printing. If you are interesting in gaining more knowledge in the area, this is a great channel to check out.

SolidWorks Tutorial

3D printing is not all glitz and glamour. Much time may need to be spent before the actual printing process. This channel includes hundreds of guides to recreating items digitally, providing great knowledge to people interested in 3D printing these things.

Start-ups and Companies:

Faraday Motion

A German start-up, Faraday Motion have created an amazing 3D-printed skateboard that we featured on our TOP 5 videos of the week on Sunday. Their YouTube channel posts updates on the companies progress, and other social content from meetups.

3D Systems

3D Systems are a huge name in the 3D printing world. As a result, they have a large amount of very informative content about their printers, and general 3D printing-related content. Their videos help inform owners of their printers about various uses, tips, and capabilities of their printers.

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