World’s First 3D Printed Water Taxi Is Also Largest 3D Printed Boat
From kayaks to super yachts, additive manufacturing has been making waves in the maritime sector. Though 3D printing is often discussed for its usefulness in helping make parts while at sea or for making parts that have been disrupted by supply chain issues, it is also increasingly used for the creation of entire boats. Such is the case for a new 3D printed water taxi made by Al Seer Marine and Abu Dhabi Maritime, which also has the distinction of breaking the previous Guinness Records title for the World’s largest 3D printed boat.
Fully 3D printed boats are not exactly new. Indeed, the previous two world records for largest 3D printed boat were both held by the University of Maine. First for the 3Dirigo, a 25-foot, 5000-lbs vessel made by the university’s Advance Structures and Composites Center on what they considered to be the world’s largest 3D printer. This record was broken again by the University by a patrol boat made for the U.S. Marines which, while no exact information has been given on it, is supposedly twice as large as the 3Dirigo. Now, the 3D printed water taxi will hold that distinction with its new Guinness Record.
The size of the vessel is certainly no small feat. It measures 11.98 m or about 39.3 feet in length, with the weight as yet is unknown. This certainly puts it ahead of the 3Dirigo, though it is uncertain whether the other 3D printed boat from the University of Maine was counted due to the secrecy around its size for national security considerations. But size is not the only thing of note.
Al Seer Marine, which has used additive manufacturing for a number of projects since starting its AM business unit in January 2022, points as well to the fact that 3D printing allows for more sustainable manufacturing in the shipbuilding sector as a major drive for the creation of this 3D printed water taxi. In line with that, the water taxi was 3D printed with 67% recycled materials. Making a significant move forward in more environmentally-friendly water transportation.
In an Instagram post announcing the 3D printed water taxi, Al Seer Marine further notes, “This milestone is not just a record-breaking feat; it’s a call to action for the industry to adopt greener technologies. Let’s continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and sustainability, setting a precedent for the future of transportation worldwide.” You can find out more on Al Seer Marine’s Instagram HERE.
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*All Photo Credits: Al Seer Marine