
3D Printed CBD Suppositories the Next Treatment for Epilepsy?

Published on January 14, 2025 by Madeleine P.

Epilepsy is a chronic, neurological disease characterized by recurrent seizures and can significantly impair the quality of life of those affected. One treatment for it, prescribed mainly in European nations, is Cannabidiol (CBD)-based medicines. CBD is a medical substance obtained from cannabis, but one that is not addictive and has no psychotropic effects. It is effective in soothing and relieving pain, anxiety, stress, and sleep disorders. It is currently known and used more in medicine to relieve convulsions generated by epilepsy.

However, the commercially available oral formulation of CBD for the treatment of epilepsy has a marked first-pass effect, which reduces its effectiveness. This means that metabolism of the active ingredient, after oral intake, first passes through the digestive tract and liver before entering the bloodstream. During this stage, a significant portion of the active ingredient is degraded in the liver, thus reducing the amount that actually circulates in the bloodstream and can exert its therapeutic effect. To avoid this, researchers have now developed 3D-printed CBD suppositories that release the cannabidiol. These have been produced by combining additive manufacturing and molding techniques to create a hollow structure, making them safe and functional.

3D-gedruckte CBD-Suppositorien

The main goal of 3D printed CBD suppositories is to avoid the disadvantages of traditional oral CBD drugs, particularly the first-pass effect (photo credits: Meng Wei, Dongdong Liu, Hua Xie, Yingbao Sun, Yubao Fang, Lina Du, Yiguang Jin, 3D printed hollow cannabidiol suppositories for the treatment of epilepsy, International Journal of Pharmaceutics)

The suppositories consist of an outer shell that contains CBD and an internal spring structure that supports the shape. To produce the suppositories, FDM 3D printing technology with thermoplastic polyurethane filaments was used to recreate the spring structure. The outer casing was also produced using a 3D printed metal mold containing a mixture of CBD, polyvinyl alcohol, and polyethylene glycol.

Thanks to the 3D-printed CBD suppositories with a hollow structure, the drug is released directly at the necessary site, which is especially beneficial for children and even people with digestive problems. The suppository then gradually releases CBD over a period of five hours. In addition, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown the safety of the system and that brain damage and inflammation were also reduced in experiments with rats with epilepsy. Furthermore, CBD improved the amount and composition of the gut microbiota and the amount of beneficial bacteria, including Lachnoclostridium and Akkermansia, which also suggests positive effects.

3D printed CBD suppositories represent a promising advance in the treatment of epilepsy, and positive results from laboratory tests give hope that this technology may soon be used in clinical practice. You can find out more about 3D printed CBD suppositories for the treatment of epilepsy HERE.

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