Arburg GmbH + Co KG, a German family-owned company, has been considered one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-quality injection molding machines for plastics processing for years. The company, which is located in Lossburg, Baden-Württemberg, has also focused on industrial additive manufacturing and thus produces 3D printers. Above all, the company has dedicated itself to production efficiency, digitalization – in this context, Industry 4.0 – and sustainability. In order to also implement these key topics, ARBURG founded “arburgXworld” for its digital products and service, as well as “arburgGREENworld”, dedicated to sustainability.
With its 3D solutions, ARBURG primarily targets players and companies from the automotive and packaging industries, communications and consumer electronics, medical technology and the white goods sector.
The traditional German company, which was founded in 1923, has international sales and service networks in 25 countries and 34 locations. However, production takes place exclusively at the German subsidiary in Lossburg.