Chinese manufacturer UnionTech specializes in the development of industrial and office resin machines. Since 2000, the company has been offering solutions that use different vat photopolymerization processes: SLA, DLP and LCD. Among the various machine ranges, the RSPro series offers solutions based on SLA technology. This series includes the RSPro600, RSPro800 2.0, RSPro1400, RSPro1800 and RSPro2100.

Characteristics of the RSPro600 3D Printer

The RSPro600 is a large-format, industrial-grade SLA 3D printer designed to provide a highly efficient, accurate and stable parts manufacturing process. It has a total weight of 1490 kg, dimensions of 1550 × 1600 × 2115 mm. Furthermore, for better resolution, it has a layer thickness of between 0.05 and 0.25 mm, making it ideal for industrial and corporate users.

This printer has a maximum print volume of 600 x 600 x 500 mm (smaller than many of the others in the range) and supports a wide range of 3D printing materials for small and medium production runs. Featuring a closed chamber (as is often required for vat photopolymerization processes) and control screen, the machine is compatible with the Windows 10 operating system and the company’s proprietary UnionTech™ RSCON data preparation and control software.