UnionTech is a Chinese manufacturer specializing in the development of resin machines. Since 2000, the company has been offering professional and industrial solutions based on SLA, DLP and LCD processes. It caters to a wide range of users looking for precision and quality. The FM300 3D printer is one of the manufacturer’s DLP solutions and has been designed for the footwear industry.

Features of the FM300 3D printer

The FM300 3D printer is based on digital light processing (DLP) technology and offers a print volume of 252 x 140 x 240 mm. With a layer thickness of 0.03 mm and a 4K laser, it is capable of designing accurate and detailed models with ease. In terms of materials, the machine is compatible with both hard and more elastic photopolymers.

In terms of applications, the FM300 is particularly popular for making tools, molds and finished products, especially in the footwear sector. One such example is the manufacture of more suitable and comfortable midsoles.