
TOP 5 videos of the week: Submarines, Comics and more!

Published on July 23, 2017 by Alexandrea P.
Top 5 videos

A new selection of the best 3D printing videos of the week, just for you! Find our TOP 5 videos of the week below and tell us what your favorite video is in a comment or on our Facebook and Twitter page. Don’t hesitate to share your favorite videos of the week with us or your favorites from our list with your friends!

TOP 1- The Dolphine Board

The U.S. Navy is diving headfirst into 3D printing with their latest endeavor, a 3D printed submarine! Created under the U.S. department of energy along with others in academia and in the 3D printing industry, could this 3D printer be the future of submarines for the U.S. Navy? Find out more below!

TOP 2- 3D Printing in Space

The future is upon us and Made in Space is here to take us even further with 3D printing in space! In this video, you’ll get to hear exactly how Made in Space is helping to pursue this goal and how they could be changing the future of space! Check it out below.

TOP 3- Roboze

Just how strong are products created using 3D printing? Well, you’re about to find out! In this video you will get to see first hand how Roboze is “breaking the boundaries” on 3D printing to create products that we can depend on!

TOP 4- Neil Patel of Print The Future

Neil Patel is the CEO of Print The Future and is here to tell you exactly how technology has changed over time to give us the technology we have now: 3D printing. In this video, you will listen to Patel explain what he thinks the future holds for 3D printing and how this will affect our daily lives. A very interesting watch!

TOP 5- Making of Corto Maltese

In order to ring in the exhibition of  “Corto Maltese, 50 years of adventures” at Gare de Paris Austerlitz, METROPOLE decided to 3D print the Italian comic series headman, Corto Maltese, in size XXL! If you love Corto Maltese, or just enjoy watching the 3D printing process, then this video is for you!

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